May 4, 2008

State Music in Minot

This weekend, I took a bus load of kids to State Music in Minot. We had a good time!
The two older kids on the outside edges are Cheryl Rostad, their accompanist, and Josh Argall, the band director.

The kids had finished all the competitions, changed clothes, and while waiting for the final scores, I caught the kids with the camera. They were gathered on the steps of Main passing the time by singing. There is always music when I take these kids somewhere. I love it! It's hard to hear what they are singing in the video. Listen carefully. To my delight, they are usually singing a song from my generation. This time they are singing "The Sounds of Silence".

That last guy you see on the video is Josh, the band leader. The kids love him. He's done wonders with the school music program!