May 26, 2010

Breaking in Roe's New Deck

Craig Roe and his daughter, Ivy, built a new deck onto their house. Dave and I went over to check it out. Pictured: Troy Ness, Polly Roe, Chase's girlfriend, Chase Roe (visiting from Texas), Craig Roe and Scott Bakko. Not pictured: Cindy Bakko, Dave & I

May 18, 2010

May 17, 2010

Coffee @ Stella's

May 12, 2010

May 4, 2010

Interesting snap shot:

I couldn't resist snapping this shot while I was driving down Hwy 15.
The colors were so intense!
(Hope the slope of the picture doesn't make you too dizzy.
It was uploaded directly from my phone, by passing my photo editing programs)

School Stuff

"Cert" training for ninth graders. (Certified Rescue Relief Training)

Here's a picture of one of my bus aides, Lynn Braaten, and a couple of her fans.