September 28, 2008
Fort Ransom
September 22, 2008
September 20, 2008
Grace's 90th Birthday
September 17, 2008
Big Changes are Coming to the Kindred School District
Continue what we're doing...... maintaining both the Davenport and Kindred schools but expect that we will have to purchase land for expansion eventually, most likely at a higher cost than it is right now.
Buy land. Sell the Davenport School. Build a new 6-12th grade school and make the present Kindred School into a p-k-5th grade school. Plan to eventually sell the Kindred School also and expand the new school to p-k-12. (the dividing line could either be 6th or 7th grade)
Buy land. Sell both schools and build a large p-k-12 school.
The study also says that the high school presently does not offer enough variety of classes to draw students into our district. Even if more subjects were offered, the building does not have enough room to teach them. It is also recommended that a person is hired just to be in charge of “coordination of curriculum, instruction, staff development, assessment and accountability.”
The study also says that Kindred school needs a new entrance. The administration offices are poorly located and both schools have poor security. The lunch room was labeled as “poorly situated for expansion, unappealing and marginal.”
The study is 120 pages long so obviously I have only mentioned a few of the points in the study.....but hopefully this helps you to understand what I meant when I said “BIG changes are coming to the Kindred School district!”