Today Jess brought a chinchilla over for Sierra to see. Guess who wants a Chinchilla now.
July 25, 2007
July 23, 2007
DuBord Backyard Get-Together
1st Annual DuBord Family Party
Wednesday, July 18th, 2007
We started out sitting around the deck area talking and eating. The rest of the evening we played:
- Horse Shoes
- Bocce Ball (new to most of us)
- Norwegian Golf
The temperature was perfect after a hot day…it had cooled down just right. The sky was clear. The lawn games were a hit. Everyone stayed busy and had fun. The party ended when it got dark and the mosquitoes came out. Most of us had used the new bug spray that doesn’t feel oily, but the mosquitoes seem to find all those areas that you didn’t spray, like your forehead. It was a weekday evening so 10:30 was a good time to quit anyway.
It was suggested that we do this each time that Bekki and Jason come home.
Click here to see the pictures that I took:
July 22, 2007
A Day at the Zoo
invited me to go to the zoo with them.
July 21, 2007
Christmas Card in July
July 20, 2007
Running Thru the Sprinkler
Remember when getting wet was this much fun?
This is my granddaughter, Sierra and her cousin Zak.
They're both three years old.
July 19, 2007
Shingling the Garage
Our house was shingled years ago but we never got around to shingling the garage. Well..........finally it's done! Dave stripped the old shingles off on Friday, July 13th and our son-in-law, Ryan came over Saturday and shingled the whole thing in no time flat. (He does this for a living.)
July 9, 2007
4th of July
We had a good 4th of July again this year. We always get together at the lake with all the Grovers. This tradition probably started before I was born. About twenty years ago, we started taking a yearly group picture. One of the walls of our cabin has of most of the pictures displayed on it. They are fun to look at. It's fun to see to compare one year to the next. This is the picture that we took this year.
Fun Funeral?
Last week I went to a funeral with my mom. Joy, a friend of mom's, died. I know that this sounds disrespectful, but I really enjoyed myself. We sat with a couple of my mom's life-long friends. These gals have all belonged to Homemakers together since I was born. Being with these women and listening to the reminiscing took me back to my childhood. This is a picture of my mom, Edie (in the middle) and her two friends, Betty and Norma.