February 25, 2009

Fargo is not joining the recession

Here's an excerpt from CNN's program tonight: (by Gary Tuchman)

"What ever happened to the days of low unemployment, a decent housing market, budget surpluses; a robust economy? Those days are still here! But likely not where you are. They are where I am right now. Fargo, North Dakota.

The currently frozen city of 98,000 people where the temperature is zero fahrenheit as I write this, has an unemployment rate not much higher than that.

In a nation where 7.6 percent of people are out jobs, Fargo is at 3.4 percent, a rate which is recognized by most economists as “full employment.”

Realtors expect continuing increases in housing sales; the North Dakota state budget has a one billion dollar surplus. Say the word recession to Fargoans, and you might hear them say, “What recession?”

To read more from the CNN report, check out: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2009/02/25/what-recession/