Why do I drive a school bus? I forgot.
PS , I think this storm brings our snow total to over 50 inches this winter. Look closely. Do you see the snow dogs in the picture?
Here's an excerpt from CNN's program tonight: (by Gary Tuchman)
"What ever happened to the days of low unemployment, a decent housing market, budget surpluses; a robust economy? Those days are still here! But likely not where you are. They are where I am right now. Fargo, North Dakota.
The currently frozen city of 98,000 people where the temperature is zero fahrenheit as I write this, has an unemployment rate not much higher than that.
In a nation where 7.6 percent of people are out jobs, Fargo is at 3.4 percent, a rate which is recognized by most economists as “full employment.”
Realtors expect continuing increases in housing sales; the North Dakota state budget has a one billion dollar surplus. Say the word recession to Fargoans, and you might hear them say, “What recession?”
To read more from the CNN report, check out: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2009/02/25/what-recession/